Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"The amount of Effort matches the amount of Desire"

My lovely friend Mizz Tail used this phrase yesterday whilst she was "breaking something down for me" and I just thought it was lovely. not just lovely sounding but really clarifying as well. I'm sad for her because her Pooch is not feeling well and she is down about it. I hope things get better fast as I simply cannot have one of my very best-est buddies feeling sad mere moments before the best day of the year! There's also this new study which i think further bolters my point (DST = why????!) if you think i'm just being curmudgeonly...

Beyond that, things are going o.k. i'm hating this project we're working on at work but mostly because it's a freaking lot to do/think about, not because it's going badly or anything. I just kind of want a break from obsessing about it all the time is all.... ah well. that extra hour of sleep will help i think. Halloween parties at the Bees will help as well! Yay! now i'm happy agian.

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