Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I would first like to say that I am just so happy/thrilled that The Wife has landed a fancy-pants new position with a cool-seeming company that is mere minutes away from mine own work place (hint, hint, lunch anyone?)

She's being all practical and cute right now with the "Well, I mean it's good and everything but I think we're still going to have to figure out how to manage the Boo schedule since it'll probably be awhile before I'll be allowed to work a more flexible schedule..." As IF. As if I'm going to segue from concerned to sensible without even a few minutes devoted to sheer, unabridged delightedness. Whom, might I ask, does she think she's married to?? Forget the potential rearranging of a schedule or two. Wifey got a new job! She is no longer going to be stifled and annoyed (well not in the same way anyway) and berated by her passive-aggressive boss over ridiculous butt-covering crap! she will be rolling into a pretty part of a pretty town and working in an environment which is interesting (at least for now) and in which folks seem to actually talk to one another. She will be able to learn new things and develop even more fantastic coding skills and finally, have a chance to stop with the constant worrying about "finding a job in this economy" because that. part. is. done! I am thrilled. Thrilled, I tell yas. I love you baby. Seriously, Couldn't have happened to a better goil!

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