Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been so long....

[Chorus]How long has it been??
[Chick] It's been so long since i updated this thing, i forgot me freaking password! [queue canned laughter]

Eh. I blame it on the IE scare.

So, let's see. Long week-end was grand. Made mostly notable by the fact that I survived the website luanch form hell (although given that the LAST site I launched was a complete and utter debacle combined with the fact that my manager was an [content edited per ratings review] I think this one actually went o.k. Glad to be on this side of it though. Seriously. If i wanted something to obsess about that was causing constant stress, life-re-evaluation and thoughts of random panic, i'd start dating again! [ba-dum, bump!] Sorry. I'm waiting for food so i think i'm a wee bit punchy. weeek-end=good. love hanging with the girls. We went on a massive fabric buying adventure and spent waaaayyyyyy too much money on the world's most comfy fabric. It is destined to be made into blankets; two of which already exist and the third of which will hopefully happen tonight. Yay!

What else? Birthday coming up. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about it. 42 doesn't seem like a "big year' in the grand scheme of things but i still like that i'm on the "wrong side of forty"... Makes me feel like "I've got stories to tell" and should be working in some diner somewhere calling everyone hon.... Actually. You know what. i never made a formal resolution so i think that's it. From now on you are all "hon." That is unless you're "Toots". I'll leave it to ya'all to figure out the difference. :-)

1 comment:

Vikki said...

I pick "hon". Thanks for the options.