Thursday, February 11, 2010

And now, because it has actually "been so long"...

I'm going to trot in here acting like nothing has happened and we're all good/just spoke last week-ish and give you my current "raison d'annoyance" which is this:

What up with kid's gummie vitamins not having iron (or calcium for that matter??! I mean I know what up -- I read on "The Internets" something about the gummie-ness of the gummie vitamins, not being conducive to containing certain of the required minerals for a completely balanced supplement, HOWEVER, I would still like to demand a certain number of apologies from the makers of those vitamins for fooling me into thinking they were, in fact, addressing ALL my growing girl's dietary supplemental needs when in fact they were only setting me up to look like an idiot/supremely irresponsible parent in the dr. office when my Big Big Girls' bloodtest came back with a big ole "(slightly) anemic" stamped all over it! O.K. sure, it is entirely possible I could address this issue through actually paying attention to the ingredients list on said supplements/including leafy greens (or any greens actually) in my child's diet, but dammit, I am an American and I demand a single pill option that will fix all of this so I don't have to think about it!!!! Seriously, is that so wrong?

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