Monday, March 08, 2010

What Oscars?

You know what i did yesterday? I watched my Wife and My Big Girl watch the Oscars. I have to say, it was as interesting (possibly more so) than actually watching the show. the commentary alone was delightful. Plus the two of them sitting on the couch being all captivated/outraged/enthusiastic in turn was just kind of cute.

That's actually not all i did yesterday though, me and the Little girl took a few exploratory trips to a few places -- for lunch we went to a Taqueria where she was all authoritative and ordering her pollo con queso en Espanol! then to the Lovely little enclave that is the Alameda where we happened upon quite possibly the nicest park I've ever seen/been allowed to go into! Plus, before that we all found a lovely little diner type place that had this truly amazing french toast as well as real, basic, easily separatable food cooked exactly the way I'd cook it myself (assuming i could cook, which i can't, hence the diner-outing....). then back to the house to finish putting some quality Decals onto the new (sooooo adored it's probably against a few laws) Truck (I'll post pics soon some everyone can share in the tattooed-truck-love) before the big lead-in to the Oscie-festies. And don't even get me started on the fun that was Saturday with the Stanford vs. Cal Bears Girls B-Ball game and the Alice in the Wonderland viewing... Sheesh. i was just sitting here wondering why I'm so freaking exhasuted right now, but having just written it all out, now I'm wondering why I'm not still actually in bed. :-)

1 comment:

Vikki said...

I watched the Oscars with Twitter which probably less interesting. ha.