Monday, June 23, 2003


Excuse me but what the hell?!

Speaking of which (40ish years young musician attempts to re-package herself as 20-something popstar -- news at 11:00!) I was talking to my kid yesterday and she mentioned that she "hates it when her leg gets fat." (!!) Upon further questioning it was revealed that "fat" is what happens when you're sitting and your thigh becomes "soft". To better illustrate (perhaps because she took my look of extreme shock tinged with dismay to mean I wasn't quite understanding what she was trying to tell me) Boo began poking various parts of her gymnast-tone, five-year-old body and saying "See! It's squishy." I, quite simply, was and am at a loss. Again, I know that this happens and I know that our society markets these images of unnaturally thin body types to increasingly younger girls... blah, blah, blah, but c'mon! 5 years old??? 5?!! {sigh} I, of course, tried to disguise my chagrin by pointing out that 1) muscles get "soft" when they are in thier relaxed state and that's what helps them stay flexible and stretchy and 2) I, myself, had some squishy bits that, just so happened to be among Boo's favorite places to snuggle when she needed some comfort and/or a rest and that these bits were actually quite cute, especially when we poked them and they jiggled. she (grudgingly, I think) accepted this second line of reasoning but still.... What the hell are we doing to our girls??????

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