Monday, December 01, 2003


Sitting here waiting for the nice people at Network Solutions to stop whatever the hell it is they're doing and pay attention to me Goddammit!! So thought I might as well check in. I Know, I've been a bit lax re: blog entries for my loyal/addicted/slightly stalker-esque public and for that I humbly apologize. I am at the tail end of my semester at school and as such have fifty thousand papers due so any time that can be spent typing tends to go more toward papering than blogging - single notable exception being yesterday whilst I was here attempting to make application stuff work but, there you have it. Papers will be turned in on Tuesdee and Wed. respectively then fabulous "special" project needs to be completed by following Tuesdee then I am free, free, free! to blog, blog, blog!!! HaHaHa! eh, hem... sorry. moving on. well not really. I'm actually trying to finish up some stuff so really this is all you get for right now.... Chick=blogtease!

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