Tuesday, January 06, 2004


This entry may not be appropriate for the queasy of heart or for anyone who really just does not need to know "certain things" about their good friend Chick. If it's just too early in the morning for shocking revelations which may potentially put you off the Chick-ster for months if not years to come, skip to the second half of this post as it is about heartfelt conversations with little ones and NOT about body parts.

Eh, hem, now then. Quick confession: I, Chick Magnet, am in love with a body part. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm pretty attached to the owner of the part as well, I mean if you were to walk up to me and say, "Chick, we're going to take this person away to another planet and you'll never get to see them again EVER!" I'd be pretty sad about it, but I've got to tell you here and now that if you told me they could stay but that this particular Part had to go, well.... I'd probably be as distraught if you catch my drift. Seriously, I cannot stop thinking about it (and the various things I want to do to it -- not all predictable things either, mind you, I'm not just interested in it for it's ... "it-ness"-- I want to get to know it better, sit down after a long day and have a little conversation with it, maybe a glass of wine, find out how it's day went...) anyway, I've lost my mind and am obviously sore afflicted. Still and all though, having spent the better part of the night thinking about it, I guess it's better to be in love with a peice of someone you like than in love with bits that are attached to someone that discusts! k. sorry. moving on...

So, yesterday the kid calls me to let me know what she's learned for me (We have this thing where since she's at school learning stuff and I'm at work NOT then she has to learn something for me everyday so I'll be able to stay on top of current events as well as continue to converse in an intelligent manner about the issues which shape her young world) so, she's telling me that today we learned about "velocity" (?? I ask you?! I didn't even hear that term until I saw it used prominently in an ad campaign late last year...) and we're chatting and from basically out of nowhere she says "Mom? Is it hard being a mom?"

And I didn't know what to say. I mean I actually said "Sometimes. But lots of things that are really amazing are hard." Which seemed to adequately address that particular query because then we started talking about the storm that was suposed to hit on Tuesdsay (today) but it made me think. I mean, if I really think about it, I don't think being a mom to Boo is all that hard. I do think it's hard trying to stop every annoying person in the world from trying to mess with my kid's outlook on life; i think it's hard that I've tended to have to justify my particular flavor of mom-ness to complete strangers from a whole subset of various angles; I think it's hard to love someone sooooo very much while at the same time being made constantly aware that that's not going to be enough to stop all the bad/annoying/oogey things from happening but really, none of that has to do with Boo as a person. Parenting her is not hard. Life is. Boo makes it easy to see why it's a good thing that I'm here and there's just not alot in the world that does that... Anyway. Just something I was thinking about last night. When I wasn't thinking about "the Part"

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