Thursday, May 06, 2004

Career Day!

Whoo Hoo! just got back from talking to thirty 12 year olds about my "career" as a web designer/artiste. I had fun. Hopefully, they did as well. They were actually all pretty damn adorable (and TALL -- my god, what are they feeding these children??) some of them were completely uninterested but they were all super respectful and nice. Then there were like a handful who were obviously way into it but it was difficult trying to explain the process, the software, how I came to be a web designer and helpful places they could go on-line to learn this stuff -- all in under 10 minutes while, at the same time trying to be engaging. Still and all though, aside from the fact that the tiniest of them still towered over my short little self, I'm really glad I did this. Other speakers included an FBI agent, a Fireman, a Cop, an Account representative for Levi's (Docker's department), a Sushi chef, a hair stylist and a photographer (!!) I know! How'd my silly a** get in there with that lineup?? It was also very adorable that some of the kids who were in my sessions waved to me in the hallway when I was leaving. Yay!

Got the check in from Pretty Boy this morning. About time, too! What with the IPO and everything I was beginning to wonder if he wasn't gonna start frontin' and whatnot -- you know, forgettin' the little people...! But nope. He's just busy datin'/working. Good to hear he's happy/doing well. Getting together may happen at some point next week -- which would be an interesting study in "keeping hands to selves" but we shall see what we shall see. Maybe we can "just be friends" for awhile and see how that goes.... ;-]

Also had lunch with Travelin' Man yesterday which was very much fun. Truly a gem of a person. We're gonna go see something gorey on Sunday so any interim missing of his fabulous self will be short-term.

Aight. Here I am, getting back to work now. See. Here I go.... Working... Now.

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