Monday, November 01, 2004

My week...

So, today I have my big kid here with me (she's sick. Awwwww!) I have a meeting in about an hour and a pseudo interview for someone else's department this afternoon. I need to hire another person for my department at some point over the next coupla days. Then we're having a "really, we mean it this time!" good-bye lunch for my LA today. My New LA is in trainings for a huge part of the week so I need to cover her/their daily tasks as well. I need to vote tomorrow. I also have a paper due tomorrow. I have another paper due Wed. I have to interview this work chick for my final paper (draft due Nov 17th), write up my fieldnotes and catch up on my reading for my Wed. class. CP is going to England for a week or so, so I have both the babies beginning Tuesdee (I think through next Monday...??! - I need to check the dates on that one). Ideally, this week-end I will have a "date" (if I can get my babysitter to agree to come over on Sunday - please, please, please...!) which, while technically only providing a 34% chance that I will "get some" at least provides a 100% certainty that I will be out on the town with an adult whom I adore and who I haven't seen for awhile, so no matter how you look at it, it pretty much = cool!


Week-end was great. I {heart} daylight savings time ending more than I do any other "holiday" so you know I'm happy. K. That's it. Back to the life...

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