Friday, March 04, 2005

It's not that serious...

This is what I need to keep repeating to myself. So, I have one kid who's hopped up on steroids (albuterol) making her agro/tantrumy/clingy when it's time to go to sleep and another who's more into the "holistic" approach to being sick (flat-out refuses to take medicine) and as such is sniffeley, fevery and toss-and-turney all night. Add to this a sudden introduction to my life of a really VERY cute Marketing Analyst girl who while she says she has a girlfriend (who she likes very much) seems to be wanting to be on the phone with me an awful lot of the time... Consider the following conversation and tell em if I'm making stuff up:

Her: So, how'd the meeting go?
Me: Really well. People liked your document. I think we're actually going to be able to get moving on this.
Her: Hey, it's your document too. I mean we worked on it together...
Me: Yeah but you told me what to say.
Her: But you wrote it...!
Me: ::giggle- yes, folks, a full-on Chick giggle:: Yeah, with you were standing there reading over my shoulder the whole time!
Her: [obvious smile in voice] I was not reading over your shoulder! I just happened to be standing there -- maybe I looking at something else. Maybe I was looking at your dolls or at the pictures [on my extremely messy/cluttered desk]
Me: Or down my shirt. [I know, I know...Whaddaya want, it was late!]
Her: Yes! Maybe I was just standing there, innocently trying to get a little peek at the goods...
Me: "The goods??"
Her: ::giggle - that was her, folks:: Yeah. That whole evening was really about me trying to get close enough to get a really good look down your shirt.
Me: I knew it! I knew you could care less about the company!
Her: ::laugh::
Me: I feel so used.
Her: ::laugh again:: Yeah, now I have to figure out a way to get you interested in some sort of "follow-up" ...
Me: For the document?
Her: Uh, sure.
Me: Too late. I already turned it over to Marketing.
Her: [silence]
Me: Hello?
Her: Did you say you were taking a statistics class...?

Am I miscontruing this? That's flirting right?????

Whatever. I need to get some sleep before I think about any of this anymore. Otherwise I will go insane.

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