Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Duly noted...

For the record, this space is herein given to supporting an official rebuttal to assertions that may or may not have occured in this blog by persons directly connected to the matters outlined:

1) "Talking for hours" does and has not occur(ed) as that is "sissy behavior" -- futhermore any conversation that doesn't involve food related aversions is actually generally conducted via grunts and gestures toward "the remote."

2) Any discomfort either perceived and/or felt by [this blogger's] visitors can be traced directly to the fact that one's gal pals have no business suddenly getting "all sexy" on them and furthermore who am I [the blogger] to say that our entire relationship wasn't, in fact, predicated on an aborted attempt to "get into my [blogger's] pants" in the first place?

3) Sporatically realized desire to potentially f*** a person IN NO WAY points to a desire for further commitment e.g. "marriage" or otherwise.

Thank you. Now back to your formerly scheduled program....

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