Friday, December 23, 2005

Finger knitting!

Have we heard of this? My kid came home last night and in the span of about an hour turned a skein of yarn into a narrow knitted chain using her fingers. She learned how to do it at school from a friend and turned around and showed all the kids at her winter camp how to finger-knit. I'm amazed. not that she knows how to do it or that there's this little skill that kids go around teaching each other and that they cn almost instantly do remarkably well, but that it seems so primal. I mean, you look at those intricately woven Hopi baskets that were braided 1,000 years ago and for the first time it occurs to me that maybe some little kids had a hand in making them. Anyway. It's fascinating to watch and to think about. Random bits of craft knowledge that perpetuate themselves throughout history. I think that's neat.

In other news, my 2 year old has started pointing out things she likes: planes that go fast, cars which are going fast, motorcycles going fast, going downhill fast, rollercoasters... you get the point. Basically, it is occuring to me that I'm either going to be out at the slopes or over at the racetrack cheering this litle one on since there's no way in H*** she's going to be happy with a life where she's not actively trying to kill herself on a daily basis. So long as it's not skydiving I think I'll be o.k....

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