Monday, June 25, 2007


O.K. so today is already feeling a little STRESSFUL...!

1) wake up at 4:30am because Litle Girl had an "accident" and is wet and unhappy and needs a scrub-down. Wash/change/wrap-up child and put her into "the big bed"; strip blankets off her bed and rinse (make mental note to add "Do laundry!" to list of already scheduled Monday activities.)

2) Back to sleep for 1 hour before being awakened/summoned by Big girl who has bloody nose. Administer cuddles/stories/bridge-pinching until flow subsides. Tuck Big Girl into "the big bed" with her sister -- realize that the big bed now contains every single sentient beign in the house including the cats and head out to try to catch a few winks on the couch.

3) Wake up to alarm/regular Monday morning activities: get girls up/dressed/settled on the couch with some juice; let puppy in for some mad-wiggling activity; let cats out so they don't have to deal with aforementioned MWA; make breakfast-to-go; figure out which lunch options will NOT result in a visit from CPS; figure out "thing" for Big Girl to do at camp so "it's not totally boring" -- solution = news reporter. One digital camera, one notepad and a directive of interviewing "everybody" -- inquire about cell phone that Big Girl took with her on her walk yesterday; realize [sadly] that cell phone is lost; stop making lunch to comfort Big Girl who feels AWFUL and suggests/insists upon a punishment of "paying for the new phone" as well as "no computer for a week" [Seriously. I was good with "Sorry. I'll be more careful next time" + hug]; add "Get new phone" to list of already scheduled Monday activities; get everyone outside into the truck then realize I've forgotten aforementioned lunch/brekkie-to-go. Back inside. give in to urge to quickly check e-mail [for some insane reason] find out that e-mail account i have NOT been checking all week-end has NUMEROUS messages from my Diss. committee trying to set up my Oral exams for Tuesday/TOMORROW afternoon [1 hour after my job interview supposedly ends]; digest this info as i head back to car in time to discover that Little Girl has had another "accident" in her carseat.

Um, Help...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh honey... I feel ya.. hang in. You will wow them at your orals. Just remember all that you know and tell it to them... Good luck