Friday, October 19, 2007

Is it just me...?

or is it a little disconcerting to have your hamburger proclaim "100% beef!" on the wrapper like it's a selling point! I mean, really, if there wasn't a potential "marketing boost" associated with that fact what else would they be putting in there...?

k. so, last night thanks to the generosity of Uber-Craft-Mom-Event-Planning-Angel (again with the needing to come up with a better blog-a-nym for that lady) we (me, the Boo, the Spark and the QBGF) were treated to the sheer genius that is Disney's High School Musical on ICE! Pretty cool i have to say but then again I grew up fantasizing about someday hitting the road with the Ice Follies so... Peggy Flemming and Mr. Debonaire??? Anyone?? Of course, the little one was captivated. Of course, now i have to find ice skating clases for 5 year olds.... I have a secret suspicion the QBGF was equally taken by the magic of the frozen world. She, however, is on her own in arranging the rise to the top in the cutthroat world that is the Ice Capades!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I may be in Antarctica(mcmurdo station at the second), but I do know that the oakland ice rink has lessons, as does the one at Moscone Center. Take lily - she wants to learn, and maybe the twins!

It is only 7 degrees right now, but -9 with wind chill. A storm is coming in as well so visibility is dropping with a bit of snow....
