Friday, December 14, 2007

My puppy is kicking my a**...!

{sigh} O.K. I'm TRYING to understand that we're all in a new house and that Bisquichito is a young dog and that everyone needs a moment or two to adjust to new surroundings but MY god! ALLLLLLLLL night with the whiney little yelp-ey barks because he's by himself in a room for the first time. Sheesh. seriously. Anyone know anyone who wants a dog???? jk. (sort of.)

In other news:

Witness the following conversation had with the Big Girl this morning who was bullied yesterday at some school assembly (!!)

Boo: You know, you're much more supportive of your child when she's been bullied than other parents.
Me: What do you mean?
Boo: Well, I think other parents would have just said "Did you tell a teacher?" and let it go at that.
Me: Ah.....

Note: My actual response was "What???! Do you know what class she's in? See if you can find out and also if she does it again tell her I'm going to come out there, tie her up in a telephone cord and leave her in some field for the crows to eat!"

Guess we can chalk it up to "Different parenting styles", right? heh, heh. heh... eh hem.

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