Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No real "upshot" to vaccinations!

Alright, so sure I've heard all about how we're miraculously 85% free of all sorts of curable/preventable children's health issues due to the ever advancing technology that is the vaccination but still.... I took the Big Big Girl in today for a checkup and ended up signing off on THREE separate shots (one of which is ostensibly to prevent contracting a sexually transmitted disease that over 65% of our -- still seemingly fully functioning -- population has and which may or may not = some significant studies done but jury still basically out, lead to certain types of cervical cancer...) i dunno. It's just all so highly suspicious and given the deep mistrust I have believing every other claim that comes out of the drug creation and pushing industry it makes it very hard not to think I'm signing my kid up to be some sort of guinea pig a la thalidomide and those babies born without arms in the early 60s but at the same time I'm staring at a document that says she may not be allowed to go to school unless she has at least some of these shots (This time the Menegitis one) being proffered by a woman I trust so I sign and the Boo gets stuck.... feels weird and coerced but also sort of inevitable. Ah, well, at least i know who to sue should anything go horribly wrong.

In other news, these past few days have been fab. Tennis was played, baby albino snakes were procured, scary amounts of long hair was re-attached to my head, BFFs were supped with.... S'all good and lovely but also very tired-pants making. Look forward to a more in-depth recitation once I've had some actual sleep. Until then, I leave you with a quote:

"Learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think... being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to... how you construct meaning from experience."

I am reminded of this delightful musing by the one (the only) David Wallace Foster because I have only just unearthed an entire gaggle of friends who i've not spoken with/really thought about in fifty million years (high school) but who are proving so delightful to correspond with I can hardly even stand it! It is in repeatedly delivering the summation of the past 20 years of my life that I'm really coming to terms with (that's right I said "coming to terms" We Doctors can do that!) the idea that a whole bunch of stuff that seemed life-alteringly, crushingly, crucially important at the time, doesn't actually make it into the abridged version and that's o.k. Anyway. i'm tired and the wife is being all warm and attractive so... outtie for now. more when I think of it. :-)

1 comment:

MrsRum said...

Yeah - that whole last third of the last paragraph.....? Amen.